Capital punishment

Former French Justice Minister Robert Badinter Dies at 95

Former French Justice Minister Robert Badinter, who brought an end to capital punishment in France in 1981, died at the age of 95, his aide Aude Napoli told AFP on Friday. As Minister of Justice under Socialist President François Mitterrand (1981-1986), he brought in the law of October 9, 1981 abolishing the death penalty, at a time when was ...

Iran Hangs Two Women as It Ramps Up Executions

Iran on Saturday hanged at least seven people, including two women, while a member of its Jewish minority is at imminent risk of execution as the Islamic republic further intensified its use of capital punishment, the Norway-based Iran Human Rights (IHR) said in a statement. Parvin Mousavi, 53, a mother of two grown-up children, was hanged in ...